Take this quiz and find out!
Take this quiz and find out!
Question 1: My favorite band is:
A.) Bubba Sparxxx
B.) Eminem
C.) Vanilla Ice
D.) Insane Clown Posse
True Juggalo Facts! Juggalos are defined by their unerring love for rapping clowns. If you picked D, you are almost
certainly a Juggalo. Picking A is a bit of a trick question... (Normal people would assume that Bubba Sparxxx is exactly
the kind of artist that Juggalos would embrace: A dumb, talentless, rapping whigger.) However, any Juggalo will tell
you that Bubba Sparxxx is the only person to ever be booed off the stage at a “Juggalo Gathering”
(Tila Tequila wasn't so much booed, as attempted to be stoned to death with half-empty vodka and Faygo filled cans) .
If you picked A, it’s more likely that you’re a hillbilly who time-travelled into the future from the year
2001 to warn us not to drink the moonshine that you would bring to market in 2010
that made everyone go blind and shit their livers out.
certainly a Juggalo. Picking A is a bit of a trick question... (Normal people would assume that Bubba Sparxxx is exactly
the kind of artist that Juggalos would embrace: A dumb, talentless, rapping whigger.) However, any Juggalo will tell
you that Bubba Sparxxx is the only person to ever be booed off the stage at a “Juggalo Gathering”
(Tila Tequila wasn't so much booed, as attempted to be stoned to death with half-empty vodka and Faygo filled cans) .
If you picked A, it’s more likely that you’re a hillbilly who time-travelled into the future from the year
2001 to warn us not to drink the moonshine that you would bring to market in 2010
that made everyone go blind and shit their livers out.
Question 2: My ideal woman is:
A.) A hot chick with big boobs.
B.) A hot chick with big boobs dressed in all black.
C.) A hot chick with big boobs wearing clown face paint.
D.) A Juggalette. Also with big boobs.
True Juggalo facts! Juggalos like boobs just like normal human males. The only difference is that they also have an
affinity for early 90s rave/goth clothes with the pipe legs and the chains hanging everywhere and the face paint and
various other shit that no hot chick would go within 100 miles of. You are about as likely to see a hot chick at a
“Juggalo Gathering” as you are to meet a Juggalo attorney or a Juggalo neurosurgeon. Which is to say, not at all.
affinity for early 90s rave/goth clothes with the pipe legs and the chains hanging everywhere and the face paint and
various other shit that no hot chick would go within 100 miles of. You are about as likely to see a hot chick at a
“Juggalo Gathering” as you are to meet a Juggalo attorney or a Juggalo neurosurgeon. Which is to say, not at all.
Question 3: The woman that I’m actually dating really looks more like:
A.) A hot chick with big boobs.
B.) A sorta fat chick that dyes her hair black even though she’s naturally a blonde.
C.) A morbidly obese chick with clown face paint.
D.) A disgusting fat-body of a Robeast that barely even resembles a human being anymore.
True Juggalo facts! The truth hurts, especially when you are a Juggalo.
This is why Juggalos band together into disorganized “families”, to bear their shameful hogging ways en masse.
This is why Juggalos band together into disorganized “families”, to bear their shameful hogging ways en masse.
Question 4: You catch your pregnant girlfriend smoking out behind the shed. Do you:
A.) Speak to her about the perils of smoking while pregnant.
B.) Tell her to stop, and finish her butt (smokes are expensive, cant let that go to waste).
C.) Burn her arm with the lit cig, to teach her a lesson.
D.) Beat her with a hatchet, and then take her to the bedroom to get started on a new baby Juggalo to replace the one you just self-aborted.
True Juggalo facts! Juggalos frown upon bigotry and racism
(despite nearly all of them being suburban Midwestern white kids),
but they regularly engage in violence and “bitch beating”.
(despite nearly all of them being suburban Midwestern white kids),
but they regularly engage in violence and “bitch beating”.
(The Juggalo Jesus was conceived in a Dayton Ohio parking lot)
Question 5: My religious beliefs would best be described as:
A.) Personal.
B.) A contradictory blend of Christianity and atheism.
C.) Wiccan.
D.) Some bullshit about dark carnivals and joker cards and Jesus and clowns or some such bullshit.
True Juggalo facts! Many hardcore Juggalos believe that ICP’s music is a thoughtful allegory about life and religion.
I shit you not. It’s probably the only thing dumber than pretending to be a witch,
though slightly less crazy than Scientology.
I shit you not. It’s probably the only thing dumber than pretending to be a witch,
though slightly less crazy than Scientology.
Question 6: When I get home from work I like to unwind by:
A.) Catching up on a few episodes of whatever premium cable TV shows I DVR’d last week.
B.) Catching up on a few episodes of whatever basic cable TV shows I Tivo’d last week.
C.) Catching up on a few episodes of WWE Raw and Smackdown that I recorded on my VCR last week.
D.) I am unemployed.
True Juggalo facts! The more of a Juggalo you are, the more likely you are to be unemployed.
Persecution complexes and clown fetishes aren’t generally the types of skills that employers are looking for.
Persecution complexes and clown fetishes aren’t generally the types of skills that employers are looking for.
Question 7: My favorite soft drink or beverage is:
A.) Sparkling water.
B.) RC Cola
C.) Pabst Blue Ribbon.
D.) Faygo.
True Juggalo facts! If you even know what Faygo is, you’re probably a Juggalo. I think they only sell it in
the Midwest, which, as we all know, is a thriving hotbed of Juggalosity. Cheap beer is another favorite of the Juggalo,
though they share this affinity with other white folk that only like to pretend to be uneducated and poor.
the Midwest, which, as we all know, is a thriving hotbed of Juggalosity. Cheap beer is another favorite of the Juggalo,
though they share this affinity with other white folk that only like to pretend to be uneducated and poor.
Question 8: My education level is:
A.) High school or above.
B.) Junior high.
C.) Laughable.
D.) Nonexistent.
True Juggalo facts! If you are a Juggalo, someone is probably going to have to read this article
out loud to you and change all those big multisyllable words.
out loud to you and change all those big multisyllable words.
Question 9: True or false: My interest in wrestling is only superseded by my interest in rapping clowns.
A.) This in no way pertains to my interests.
B.) False.
C.) True.
D.) What the fuck is a super seed? Is that some kind of badass new pot seed or some shit?
True Juggalo facts! The only thing Juggalos like more than wrestling is rapping clowns.
Scientists theorize that Juggalos may even have developed their signature short, squat stature
over generations of backyard piledriving (and inbreeding).
Scientists theorize that Juggalos may even have developed their signature short, squat stature
over generations of backyard piledriving (and inbreeding).
Question 10: True or false: My face is like the surface of the moon, only rounder, and covered with molten cheese.
A.) Uh, false.
B.) True.
C.) Pretty much, but you don’t notice the craters so much what with all the face paint and everything.
D.) Eh, I dunno. I haven’t actually seen what my face looks like since I got the clown paint permanently tattooed on.
True Juggalo facts! Faygo is a leading cause of skin outbreaks, which are not at all helped by the
dollar cheeseburger and hot pocket diet, nor the pore-clogging face paint.
dollar cheeseburger and hot pocket diet, nor the pore-clogging face paint.
Bonus Question!
I will send a sniveling hate mail message and/or flaccid verbal threat to the author of this article:
A.) Never.
B.) As soon as I’m finished crying.
C.) Already sent it.
D.) In as long as it takes me to get a ride to the library. Because I don’t have a computer. Or a car.
True Juggalo facts! Juggalos are notorious for being obnoxious whiny bitches.
One of their favorite things to do is to threaten to cut another Juggalo’s head off
with a hatchet or some crap like that via email, Twitter or Facebook.
When that same Juggalo receives a threat in response, he will then make a complaint
about the sender to the email provider, send an angry reply back on Twitter
or spam his Facebook messages with abuse. This will probably result in both of them being
banned or deleted, at which point they will then take their little disagreement to another social network.
One of their favorite things to do is to threaten to cut another Juggalo’s head off
with a hatchet or some crap like that via email, Twitter or Facebook.
When that same Juggalo receives a threat in response, he will then make a complaint
about the sender to the email provider, send an angry reply back on Twitter
or spam his Facebook messages with abuse. This will probably result in both of them being
banned or deleted, at which point they will then take their little disagreement to another social network.
Never will they actually meet and do any of the things that they threaten to do to one another.
If you answered mostly A.
Congratulations! You are not a Juggalo. With any luck, you will never hear the word “Juggalo” ever again in your life, and will live happily ever after as whatever dumb group of losers that you belong to instead.
If you answered mostly B.
You are considered “at risk’ of Juggalory. Move to a major metropolitan center of language and culture, and you should be fine. Stay away from Hot Topic and eat a salad once in awhile, it isn’t gonna kill you.
If you answered mostly C.
You may be in need of an intervention. You are dangerously close to naming your first-born child “Shaggy 2 Dope” or “Violent J” (even though it's a girl). Your job in the Walmart stockroom may be in danger if you continue wearing your face paint to work, you’re running out of social networking sites to get deleted from, and the U.S. government refuses to recognize “Juggalo Ninjas” as a proper religion worthy of tax exemption. The only way out for you at this point may be to fake your own death. It’s certainly worth considering.
If you answered mostly D.
The supreme Juggalo, from which all others are spawned.
Then you are an “Alpha Juggalo”. Other Juggalos revere you. You may even be in a band that plays Juggalo music! You probably have all the Robeasts and Faygo that anyone could ever want, if anyone ever actually wanted Robeasts and Faygo. You are truly a trendsetter among an army of identical, overweight white trash unemployed rapping clowns. Great job! You’ve officially had a hand in devolving the human race as a species!
E.Buzz Miller's Pop Culture Notes and other junk.: August 2011
1.My Favorite Band IS ICP
ReplyDelete2.90% of all Juggalette's are Hot Skinny Chicks With Big Boobs
3.My Wife is a Hot Chick With 38d Boobs
4.My Wife Don't Smoke and Even If She Did and I Caught Her Smoking While Pregnant, Yes i Would Counsel Her Butt We Are Straight Edge People, Do You Know What STRAIGHT EDGE Means? Well Google It, Maybe That Will Make You Feel Educated.
5.I am a Juggalo and Have Been Baptized and Believe In Jesus 100%
I Don't Agree With What Some Juggalos Do and Thats What Ignorance has Brought on Ignorant Pages Like This One :-)
6.I Am a Musical Engineer, I Started Off at 5 learning the Value of Money Selling at Fleamarkets With My Grandmother and By The Time i was 12 Yrs old I Got My First Job Putting Shingles on a Mans Roof and Made 200 Dollars to spend My Self How Ever I Wanted To, By The Time i Turned 16 i had Put on 3 Roofs and Painted tyhem 3 Houses Too and Picked up Hay Learning About Agriculture and Working on Farm Tractors, Then i Finally Got a Job Working at Mc Donalds since then Ive Worked Sever Jobs Only Because I Chose To Get Better Than The Job Before I've Built Probably 100 Houses in 20 Years put on Probably 3000 Roof's Installed Maybe 1000 Car Audio Systems... and Now Finally I Am Doing The Job that Have Dreamed of Doing Since I was 12, I Now own my Own Recording Studio and 6 Bedroom House and Its Because I'm A Juggalo That Had a Dream and Learned at A Young age Before I Become a Juggalo, Not Just The Value of Money But The Value of Hard Work, And Most Of All... Jesus Is My Savior, Amen. :-)
7.Sure... I Like Faygo, But Not Because The Clowns Spray It All Over People At They Shows; If Thats The Only Reason Why You Like Faygo Then You Just Being a Clone Not A Clown, Whoop WHOOP!
8.Yup, I Graduated, Sure Did, Only Took Me 12 Yrs Plus Kindergarten, Hmmm That Makes 13 yrs. Wow I Am Smart.
9.I Hate Wrestling But It Dont Make Me Less of A Juggalo, In Fact I Hate All Sports Acept Golf and Sometimes Basket Ball But I Dont Have To Eat Sleep and Breath It Just To Be a Juggalo, If You Think You Have To Like Something Just Because Another Juggalo Does, Then You Not a Juggalo You Just Trying To Fit In and You Dont Know The True Meaning Of Juggalo... It's Kinda Like Your a White Man That Painted Your Self Black Just To Go To An NAACP Meeting Just So You Can Fit in... FAKE.
10.My Face Dont Have Craters In It, Even If It Does, Oh Well... What You Trying To Say? Oh Thats Right Faygo Causes Acne HAH! No it Doesn't Actually All acne is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit, which is made up of a hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and a hair.
11.I Own a computer in fact 7 Tower computers and 4 laptop computers and have the internet so i can tell you that none of us are worthless, OH! and also as a side job i repair broken computers for a local computer shop... i am the main Tech Man
So Tally Up YOUR Points and Tell Me ARE YOU A JUGGALO? Well In reality if You want to Grade your self as a law biding Citizen who Probably Secretly LOVES FAYGO but wont admit it and is too afraid to admit that they Fuck They Fat Floppy Tittied Wife and Slap Their Teeth Out Every Time They Smoke a Cigarette While Sweating They Face Paint Off of They Pimpley Face Because They Busy Running To The Library To See If I Made a sniveling hate mail message of flaccid verbal threats to YOU the author of this article while Hoping you Dont Miss Your Wrestling Show So You Can Tell Your Other Closet Juggalo Homie's How Awesome It Was To See 300 Pound Fat Sweaty Guys Rub Their Bodies All Over Them Selves
I Hope You Liked My Comment, It Was A Duesy... Clown Love, Whoop WHOOP!
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DeleteYeah, I own the house from iron man, make an 8 figure income, have about 36 foreign sports cars, my house is constantly flooded with sexy bitches and I have a rock hard body even though all I eat is bacon, served to me by naked Russian women on a solid platinum platter. -See how easy it is to make up cool stories on the interwebz? SRS BZNZ!!
DeleteOH! By The Way The Word Duesy Was Actually Adapted Back Between 1913 and 1937 When The Duesenberg (an Auburn, Indiana based American luxury automobile) Was Built and Could Not Be Pronounced, So the reason why the Phrase "Isn't that a Duesy?" Was Adapted Because The Car Was So Extravagant and that the Name Could Not Be Pronounced So Every Time The Car Went By Some Bodies House They'd Be Like "Isn't That A Duesy?!" So I Am A Hard Worker and An Educated Ignoramus; Ignoramus is a college farce, a 1615 academic play by George Ruggle. Written in Latin (with passages in English and French), it was arguably the most famous and influential academic play of English Renaissance drama. Ruggle based his play on La Trappolaria (1596), an Italian comedy by Giambattista della Porta (which in turn borrows from the Pseudolus of Plautus).
ReplyDeleteIn Latin ignōrāmus the first-person plural present active indicative of īgnōrō (“I do not know”, “I am unacquainted with”, “I am ignorant of”) literally means “we are ignorant of” or “we do not know”. The term acquired its English meaning of an ignorant person or dunce as a consequence of Ruggle's play.
Clown Love Y'all, Whoop WHOOP!
Fuck juggaho, pussy ass nigger clown fags.